New Horizons – Intensive Courses

It might have been a long time since I haven’t published, but I haven’t forgotten this blog, not have I stopped working on language learning acquisition. I have been on a quest for something better and bigger… and much much faster. I have been trying to search the perfect fast and super intensive method for learning a language, and I think I have found it!

Can we learn a language intensively?


A radical change!

Hi everyone!

I really must apologize for the lack of posts and I feel like giving you the reasons for all that and what I am to do next.

When I started I was really excited about sharing a bit of what I do and help people learning languages as much as I could. I am happy with the feedback and the followers I got, which were not too many, but highly recommended people.

It’s been a while now, and I keep struggling to keep a diary here as I am in far too many things. Dealing with my school website is something keeping me busy online and I had to decide for something. Lots of things came accross my mind, and I finally decided what to do.

I sometimes publish former articles from this blog in, and I will continue doing that so my students can find them easily. What I am doing with this one will be to publish only videos from now on, so it will become a video blog. It seems I’ve grown a sympathy for the camara and I can keep you up to date easier.

Thank you all, and please, let’s keep thinking!

The French Connection – Boosting your mind for languages

A trip of nearly 5,000 km across Europe has got me quite busy lately… and  that’s why you haven’t heard too much from me. I remember my last holiday, and how I left plenty of scheduled posts for the blog, something that hasn’t happened this time as I really needed to get some time off, and so I did. We all deserver that from time to time.
