Thinking Languages!

Despite the great needs of learning and speaking foreign languages in today’s society, we are still in need of a revolutionary system to shook the world and re-shape everything forever. My only aim is to do my best in order to help people learning.

Thinking Languages is a blog in which you’ll find some information about learning or teaching languages, about languages, about science and about anything that comes to my mind. I will always try to keep it in a funny mood and in the most understandable way I find possible.

Interested? Apart from following this blog, you can contact us through its comments, Facebook, or e-mail.

Welcome to Thinking Languages!



  1. Esta pagina en verdad facilita mucho el estudio de un idioma alterno, me parece que es una muy buena forma de apropiarse de un idioma extranjero. te felicito Admon. 😀


    1. Muchas gracias Erica, el feedback de gente interesada es mi mayor recompensa. Te invito a que sigas disfrutando de estos artículos y a ver si te animas a comentar en inglés! 😉


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